Ticketing system integration
Ticksys: Post-installation configuration steps can be found here. You may need to fill some Y-tables and implement some Y-interfaces.
Safe TMS
You will probably need to implement your own rule class; as it will provide the ABAP logic for the bridge between tickets and transport requests.
The tables below will contain ticket related fields. Status and ticket type ID's are returned over TickSys, and their values need to be provided by the administrator of your ticketing system. If you are using Jira, this page may help obtain ID's.
Click the tables below to see how they need to be configured.
Configuration tables
- YTSAFETMS_TRDS - Transport request system information
- YTSAFETMS_TSTRO - Ticket status transport routes
- YTSAFETMS_TUPRU - Post-transport ticket update strategy
Filter tables
- YTSAFETMS_TRCFIL - Request relation filters
- YTSAFETMS_TRIVTC - Non-critical transaction codes