abapGit: If you have installed the dependencies already, it means that you have configured abapGit - no further configuration is needed.
Addict: Post-installation configuration steps can be found here. You may need to fill some Y-tables and implement some Y-interfaces.
Simbal: Simbal doesn't require any post-installation configuration at this time, but if that changes in the future, required steps will be available here.
Safe TMS
Most, if not all, of the configuration you need for Safe TMS can be found under the area menu YSAFETMS. Click the tables below to see how they need to be configured.
System tables
- YTSAFETMS_SYDEF - General definitions
- YTSAFETMS_ORRA - Related object actions
- YTSAFETMS_SYCLC - SCC1 configuration
Route tables
- YTSAFETMS_ROUTE - Route definitions
- YTSAFETMS_ROUSY - Target systems on the route
- YTSAFETMS_ROUPE - Route day & time permissions
Filter tables
- YTSAFETMS_NOTRAN - Non-transportable requests
- YTSAFETMS_NCOBJ - Non-critical object types