User Exits

Following the observer design pattern (like BADI's), Safe TMS enables user exit implementations in form of an interface - class relationship.

For each interface mentioned below, you can implement multiple Z-Classes. Safe TMS will execute them all.

Demand exits

When a transport demand is created in YSAFETMS001, Safe TMS lets you modify demand details. To implement your own Z-Code;

  • Create a new Z-Class, implementing the interface YIF_SAFETMS_DEMAND_OBSERVER
  • Fill interface methods with your own logic

Action exits

In YSAFETMS001, Safe TMS builds an action list. You are free to modify this action list according your own logic, or execute additional steps after an action is completed. To implement your own Z-Code;

  • Create a new Z-Class, implementing the interface YIF_SAFETMS_ACTION_OBSERVER
  • Fill interface methods with your own logic

Exemption exits

Safe TMS lets you store non-transportable requests in the table YTSAFETMS_NOTRAN. You can execute additional steps or checks right before an exemption is saved. To implement your own Z-Code;

  • Create a new Z-Class, implementing the interface YIF_SAFETMS_EXEMPT_OBSERVER
  • Fill interface methods with your own logic

Note that this exit will be called only if the user has marked the request as exempt over the GUI. If YTSAFETMS_NOTRAN is modified over SM30, your Z-Code will not be called.