Puller classes are defined to fetch passengers from source systems. For each source system, you may implement your own puller class. Databus has a built-in abstract Exchange puller; which you can implement for your own purposes.
You can find some demo implementations under databus/puller/demo, or check "Used by" to see real life examples.
Supplied pullers
Exchange Server
Databus provides an abstract puller class for Exhange Server under databus/puller/abstract_exchange.py. If you need to get E-Mails from an Exchange Server, you can implement your concrete class and start using it right away. Exchange Server will return passengers of type E-Mail.
You basically need to fill two points here:
- settings: Return your Exchange credentials and settings
- notify_passengers_seated: The action to take when a passenger is seated. Typically, you would want to call one of the ...seated_passengers... methods from here.
A sample implementation can be found in Measy.
Sample config JSON for on-premise Exchange server:
"exchange": {
"server": "mail.your_server.com",
"username": "your_username",
"password": "your_password",
"email": "your_username@your_domain.com",
"product_owners": [],
"disable_ssl_validation": true
Sample config JSON for Office 365:
"exchange": {
"server": "outlook.office365.com",
"username": "your_username@your_domain.com",
"password": "your_password",
"email": "your_username@your_domain.com",
"product_owners": [],
"disable_ssl_validation": false
Multi Exchange Server
If you need to check multiple Exchange accounts for a particular type of E-Mail, you'll be pleased to know that Databus provides an abstract puller just for that! Checkdatabus/puller/abstract_multi_exchange.py. Create your own concrete class, fill the abstract methods and you are good to go!
Obviously, it uses Exchange Server puller (explained above) behind the scenes.
A sample implementation can be found in Measy.
Implementing a new puller
To implement a new puller;
- Ensure that the corresponding passenger class exists. If not, create your passenger class first.
- Derive a new class from databus.puller.abstract_puller
- Ensure that your .py file has only one class (which is the puller)
- Ensure calling super().init()
- Add the puller class to your client configuration.