
Defines a client company using Databus. Each client can has its own reader / processor / pusher classes. A singular Databus instance can support multiple clients.


To add a new client (called abc);

  • json_db: Create the client folder structure under /data/clients/ as described in database section.
  • sql_db: Fill the SQL Server tables just like the 'demo' client

If a client doesn't have any users defined, this means that the authentication is not active. The web interface will allow any login for that client.


You may define two user roles, which will affect their capabilities in the web interface.

  • operator: The standard user, able to browse through files, but unable to configure anything.
  • administrator: The power user, able to configure as well.

There is also a special God-Mode user. Client: root, user: root. This user can perform actions that no other user can, such as shutting down the system. Check the web section for more details.

Client Passenger

Describes a particular passenger definition of a client. Each client can contain multiple passengers; as long as they are defined in the database properly.